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    Restoring Leather Seat Cover In Your Classic

    By Martin Alva

    Restoring Leather Seat Cover In Your Classic

    Leather Seat Cover

    It goes without saying that your classic’s shiny body can only be supplemented with an equally beautiful cabin. It’s just amazing how many classics end up in the garage for Restoring leather seat cover when all that is often required is a little tender loving care.


    Not all leathers need replacement. If the interior is complete and the hide does not show any major tears, most of the times, it can be revived. A well-maintained set of leather seats can surprisingly last a century. Regularly feeding the hide is the primary step to keep your leather in good shape. A minute amount of time that you would rather spend in visiting the garage for a leather replacement can instead be spent on finding the right cleaner.

    Depending on the health and type of your leather, your garage can recommend certain types of cleaners for your seats.


    Before getting the cleaner anywhere near the seats, make sure the interiors are properly vacuumed as this liquid penetrates deep into the hide and apparently softens, feeds and strengthens the leather.

    The cleaner is usually applied with a cloth and small brush to get rid of the ingrained dirt from the crevices. In the case of very smooth-surfaced hide, it is a good idea to also use fine grade wire wool which will ‘disturb’ the surface and give a good key.

    Once the white cloth shows no dirt when wiped on, everything must be wiped down with a damp cloth to remove any excess build-up of the cleaner.


    Plenty of effective hide foods can be easily found in markets which should be applied to the cleaned leather. Usually, it takes about 48 hours to be completely absorbed after which any excess build can be wiped off.

    Repairing tears and re-stitching

    Some tears can be simply repaired by putting another piece of leather or even canvas behind the tear and sticking the slivers of torn leather to it with a proper adhesive. Later in the process, the dye will help to cover the ‘joins’.

    Now you may have got a details on Restoring Leather Seat Cover for you classic car. If you have any Queries regarding this topic do comment below. 

    At the Collectors’ Workshop in Dubai, we specialise in repairing, maintaining and restoring classic cars and high-end exotics and performance cars. If you are looking for a reliable car garage in Dubai, come visit us for a coffee sometime and let’s discuss your requirements.

    Martin Alva

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